''Imagining beyond the imaginary''. Red teaming and serious games for anticipation and foresight
This article looks at the new cognitive tools available to the armed forces to help them think about the war of tomorrow. After presenting the
''Wartime economy'' : From Buzzword to Reality ? Changes In European Defence Industrial Strategies Since February 2022
This report presents the main changes in defence industrial strategies that have taken place since February 2022 in France, Germany, Italy and the United States.
"Administrative Attachés at the Ministry of the Armed Forces
This week saw the 2nd "Administrative Attachés" cycle of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, organised by the IHEDN, in a format that has been completely redesigned for distance learning following the recommendations of the IHEDN.
"Cybersecurity for VSEs and SMEs" on 1 January 2010.er half-year 2022
On 3 and 4 May, the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale organised and ran the "Cybersecurity for Very Small Businesses and SMEs" training course. Its aim was to
"Finished bars and machines" for the 6th National Session "Maritime Challenges and Strategies
What a year it's been for the 34 auditors taking part in the 6th National Session on "Maritime Challenges and Strategies" since their first stopover in Paris in September 2020.
"The Myths That Warp How America Sees Russia - and Vice Versa".
The United States and Russia have long been at loggerheads. Lincoln was already critical of the Tsarist regime, and the Cold War of course helped to shape the American position.
"And You Are? How to Recognize and Remedy Unrecognized Frictions".
There is not so much an army as components (navy, army or air force), and these divisions are also found at lower levels.
"Athena at the beach": the IHEDN holiday notebook
The goddess of military strategy, war and wisdom in Greek mythology, Athena is also... the mascot of the IHEDN. Until the end of August, she will be taking us on an exploration of defence culture through a range of scholarly and entertaining content.
"Automation Does Not Lead to Leaner Land Forces
The author analyses the question of the interdependence between humans and new technologies. He supports the idea that the cost and limits of technological innovations
"What Ukraine is teaching us about drones
Le Collimateur, 19 September 2023 Ulrike FRANKE, Senior Policy at the ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations) Listen
"Chinese Private Security Companies: Neither Blackwater Nor the Wagner Group".
China's drive to build the new "Silk Roads" has gone hand in hand with the creation of private military structures dedicated to the defence of the "Silk Roads".
"Conclusion of the work of a fact-finding mission on the defence industry, a provider of strategic autonomy in Europe".
This information report was submitted by the French National Defence and Armed Forces Committee to conclude the work of a fact-finding mission on
"Building Europe's economic security
Against the backdrop of the development of the European economic security strategy, this article looks at the challenges and benefits of this concept, as well as at
"Counterstrategies to Economic Warfare
At a time when economic interdependence is increasingly being used as a tool of strategic competition, this article sets out a typology of countermeasures to make
"Maritime cyber security: how is France combating cyber attacks?
The digital transition affects all sectors of the economy, and involves vulnerabilities that can undermine the various players involved. The maritime sector is also affected by this transformation... but with a few special features.
"Defending Europe with less America
This article analyses the complexity of European defence against a backdrop of growing insecurity and the declining commitment of the United States to defence, particularly in the context of the European Security and Defence Policy.
"Jihad on Europe
Documentary series, Arte, 6 September 2023, with (In three episodes detailing the roots and rise of jihadism as an ideology and a means of action) Watch
"Strategic challenges of climate impacts: the role of the DGRIS".
With : Alice RUFO On the climate front, IRIS, 7 December 2023 Listen
"Ecuador: a rapid plunge into criminal chaos
At the start of 2024, the pace of events is accelerating in Latin America, a region that has been plagued by hyper-violence for decades.
"Esprit 44": what national defence owes to 1944
Throughout the summer, in partnership with the Charles-de-Gaulle Foundation, the IHEDN is exploring various events that took place 80 years ago and were crucial to the return of the Republic, the country's sovereignty and its national cohesion.
"Evaluating NATO enlargement since the end of the Cold War".
Brookings, 15 June 2023, with James GOLDGELER (Brookings Institution), Jim TOWNSEND (Center for a New American Security), Joshua R. ITZKOWITZ SHIFRINSON (University of Maryland), Susan
"Soaring prices: when grain runs out
France Culture, 18 September 2023, with Sébastien ABIS Director of the DEMETER club and associate researcher at IRIS Pierre-Marie AUBERT Agricultural engineer, director of the agriculture programme at
"France-Africa: the reasons for a crisis
Geopo Interviews, 14 September 2023, with Niagalé Bagayoko Pascal Boniface Listen
"Gaza: what political and geopolitical recompositions?
With : Joan DEAS Geopo talks, 24 November 2023 Listen
"Geopolitics of drugs
Entretiens géopo, 22 September 2023 Michel GANDILHON Pascal BONIFACE Listen
"Geopolitics of metals: the new black gold?
with Emmanuel Hache, Entretiens géopo, December 2023 Listen
"War in Ukraine: where does the Russian economy stand?"
Often ranked 7th or 8th in the world, Russia's primitive economy was gauged; when the invasion of Ukraine began, the waves of sanctions were applied.
"Hamas-Israel: what scenarios after the war?
The attacks perpetrated by Hamas in Israel on 7 October were the first on such a scale to be carried out on Israeli territory. They caused the death of 1,400 Israeli civilians and soldiers, and the taking of more than 200 hostages by Hamas. This was an unprecedented shock in Israel, reviving the memory of the Shoah and the persecution suffered by Jews in the past.
"Hamas-Israel, War in Ukraine: what are the military lessons?"
On 7 October 2023, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israeli territory. To date, this has resulted in the deaths of more than 1,200 Israelis (according to the Israeli authorities) and the hostage-taking of 150 people. On 8 October, Israel launched an air operation against Gaza that has already claimed more than 1,000 lives. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu announced a ground operation involving the mobilisation of 300,000 reservists to recover the hostages and "eradicate Hamas". These recent events put the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back at the heart of the strategic stage. After nearly 75 years of conflict, the prospects for peace and a two-state solution seem more inconceivable than ever.
"Hamas's Goal in Gaza
For a decade, the Gaza Strip was no longer considered by the Israeli security forces as an area that could endanger Israel. The
"High intensity: what challenges for the French armed forces?
The return of high-intensity warfare, among other things, is resulting in a growing demand for capabilities, and this means that we need to think about our ability to respond.
"Israel: a no-holds-barred offensive with Rony Brauman
with Rony Brauman, Entretiens géopo, December 2023 Listen
"Israel faced with Hezbollah tunnels
At a time when the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip will have to deal with the problem of Hamas tunnels, Colonel Olivier Passot describes Israeli countermeasures against tunnels from Lebanon in 2018, from the point of view of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
"Israel-Hamas: waging war through images
with Laurence Bindner and Amélie Ferey, Le Collimateur, 16 January 2024 Listen
"Japan: a new key player in the Indo-Pacific?
Japan, a key player on the international stage, is in the midst of a strategic upheaval. The recent publication of two crucial documents, the National Security Strategy and the National Defence Strategy, testifies to this major transformation.
"Kosovo: should we fear a conflagration?
Affaires étrangères, France culture, 10 June 2023, with : Marie KRPATA (Ifri), François CHIMITS (CEPII), Shahin VALLEE (DGAP), Philippe LE CORRE (ESSEC) and Cyrille BRET
"Kosovo: Siege around the border crossing [In focus #61]" "
Alexandre Jubelin, Le Collimateur, 12 January 2024 Listen
"Germany, its military ambitions and us
Le Collimateur, 26 September 2023 Elie TENENBAUM, Director of IFRI's Centre for Security Studies Léo PERIA-PEIGNE, Researcher at IFRI Listen
"The Chinese army conquers the skies
Le Collimateur, 12 September 2023, with Alexandre JUBELIN Jean-Christophe NOËL Pierre VALLEE Listen
"The French army in the Sahel: a doctrinal corpus put to the test
The author of this text sets out to assess the relevance of the doctrinal framework that has underpinned France's military presence in the Sahel.
Russian "operative art" unveiled
Benoist Bihan and Jean Lopez presented their book "Conduire la guerre: entretiens sur l'art opératif" at the IHEDN strategic debates. They shed light on the origins of the art of warfare, its applications in historical conflicts and its relevance today, with the return of high-intensity warfare.
"The butterfly effect of world conflicts
Hamas-Israel, war in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Sahel... what are the consequences of global conflicts on the international balance of power?
The attacks launched by Hamas on 7 October led to a series of chain reactions, a kind of "butterfly effect", starting with the launch of an air operation against Gaza by Israel the following day. Reactions are also multiplying at regional and international level.
"Europe and China: the German case
Décryptage, RFI, 8 June 2023 with Loïc TREGOURES (IHEDN). Listen to
"India or the art of "multi-alignment
Cultures Monde, France culture, 31 May 2023 with Mélissa LEVAILLANT, Olivier GUILLARD (EDHEC) and Jean-Luc RACINE (CNRS). Listen to
"Putin's industry and war: deconstructing a myth
Using figures, the author presents the evolution of the Russian arms economy over the last two years. While Russia has not experienced a
"Iran, Hamas and Israel
As the Israeli intervention in the Gaza Strip against Hamas continues, Le Collimateur talks to Héloïse Fayet (Institut Français des Relations Internationales) about the role of Iran, a historic supporter of Hamas, and its regional strategy in this conflict.
"L'obligation de loyauté envers la constitution des soldats de la Bundeswehr et l'obligation de réserve des soldats français : Deux mécanismes d'encadrement des comportements antidémocratiques au sein des forces armées".
Against a backdrop of rising populism in Europe, this note sheds light on the origins of the anti-democratic acts recorded within the army in France.
"The European Political Community: the future of an intuition
On the occasion of the second meeting of the European Political Community (EPC), held in Moldova in June 2023, this short article looks back at
"Nuclear deterrence in the context of the war in Ukraine
Boussole stratégique, FMES, 12 June 2023 with Benjamin HAUTECOUVERTURE (FRS). Listen to
"France in the Indo-Pacific
In its first issue, the Pensez Stratégique podcast from the Defence Academy of the École Militaire (ACADEM) looks at France's place in the Indo-Pacific. In this "meta-region", the theatre of Sino-American rivalry, how can France work towards regional stability while protecting its sovereignty?
"France and the Sahel: from Françafrique to coups d'état
Le Collimateur, 29 August 2023, with Wassim NASR (France24) Elie TENENBAUM (Ifri) Listen
"The Turkish Navy: a military asset for NATO?
This article analyses Turkey's ambivalent position within NATO. Mr Papens, a naval officer, proposes to study the role of the navy
"Naval nuclear propulsion: the technical and strategic challenges of a confidential technology".
Nuclear propulsion offers many advantages: autonomy, discretion, power and manoeuvrability. This article provides an overview of the history of this technology, as well as a presentation of its use.
"Realpolitik applied to current conflicts".
with Gérard Araud, Entretiens géopo, December 2023 Listen
"The future of nuclear proliferation after the war in Ukraine".
The article reviews the arguments predicting an acceleration in nuclear proliferation in the coming years and shows how the literature overestimates in
"The great continuous enlargement: a new process twenty years on".
This article shows that enlargement plays a key role in European security. The author describes the various internal threats and external dangers for Europe
"The Algiers putsch, a French tragedy
In this new episode of Fil de l'épée, co-produced with the podcast Paroles d'histoire, Le Collimateur looks at one of the most significant moments in the political and military history of the Fifth Republic, the putsch in Algiers in 1961, with Maurice Vaïsse, professor emeritus at Sciences Po.
"The EU's relationship with power is being turned upside down".
"To arms, Europeans! This is the title of the article by Pierre Haroche, a specialist in European Union (EU) defence policy, published in the 3e Rubicon volume, "The European and transatlantic awakening". In support of this observation, the researcher recalls the means implemented in recent years to strengthen European security, and puts forward concrete proposals. In the light of recent events, he returns to these essential themes at the strategic debate organised by the IHEDN on 15 November.
"France's retreat from Africa: a loss of global credibility
The French presence in Africa was an important military asset. At the same time, the network of French embassies enabled numerous collaborations to be established between France and
"The 2024 elections in Taiwan: a shifting political landscape where China remains at the centre of the game".
The recent Taiwanese elections saw a shift in the political divide. It is no longer a question of being for or against a union with China.
"The issues at stake at the forthcoming NATO summit
Géopolitique, 25 June 2023, with Jean - Pierre MAULNY (IRIS), Jean - Paul PALOMEROS (former Chief of Staff of the French Air Force and allied commander Transformation
"Maritime issues directly affect our populations".
Vice-admiral (2s) Gérard Valin is head of the "Maritime Issues and Strategies" major at the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN). A former admiral commanding the Indian Ocean maritime zone, he deciphers current developments in the maritime domain, which has become an area of confrontation.
"The military stakes in the war in Ukraine: a deceptive stalemate?"
The authors of this article offer a hard-hitting and useful summary of the main military issues at stake in the war in Ukraine. They analyse its dynamics
"Women must be more involved in spreading the spirit of defence".
Sophie de Ravinel is a listener at 2e national session 2022-2023, defence policy major. The current strategic context was the trigger for her application. The political journalist from Le Figaro wanted to improve her knowledge of defence and national security issues. A few days after registration opened for the 2023-2024 national session, she explains why women should apply.
"Louis XIV and the Royale, the Sun meets the sea
In 1624, under the reign of Louis XIII, Richelieu created the Royal Navy. Why then are Colbert and Louis XIV remembered as the real instigators of an ambitious naval policy? Can we speak of a golden age for the navy under the Sun King?
"Macron in New Delhi: a shared quest for strategic autonomy in a multipolar world
This short article is interesting for two reasons. Firstly, it sets out, in a pedagogical manner, the common points in the exercise of France's foreign policies
"Keeping the United States close, China at a distance and Russia weakened: how Europeans are evolving in a competitive world".
Carried out among the populations of eleven EU countries in April 2023, this survey looks at the attitudes of Europeans towards China,
"Mines and FDI: When danger comes from the ground
with Isabelle Dufour and Stéphane Audrand, Le Collimateur, 9 January 2024 Listen
"Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians Remains Possible
For the author, the Hamas attacks of 7 October marked a double failure. Hamas, which has brought nothing but ruin to the people of Gaza, and
"Geopolitical perspectives and prospects
Entretiens géopo, 07 September 2023, with Gérard Chaliand Pascal Boniface Listen
"Taking up arms in Russia and Ukraine
With : Anna COLIN LEBEDEV Le Collimateur, 28 November 2023 Listen
"For effective European economic security
Based on interviews with decision-makers, François Godement deciphers the European debates around de-risking, and outlines a realistic way forward for coordinating EU action.
"Why France will not offer Europe a "nuclear umbrella"".
This article examines and deciphers the European dimension of France's nuclear deterrent. Pedagogical and well-structured, it presents the historical development of this issue,
"Middle East: towards conflagration?
with Georges Malbrunot, Entretiens géopo, 11 January 2024 Listen
"Strategic programme 2024-2029
At its meeting in Brussels on 27 June 2024, the European Council approved the strategic programme for the period 2024-2029. This programme sets out
"Forty articles - On France, Germany, the war, politics and the international scene, 1933-1937
These texts were written by Charles de Gaulle, usually in extenso, sometimes with a circumstantial insertion by André Pironneau. Signed by André Pironneau
"What role for the naval air group in networked warfare?
The authors look at the changes brought about by the introduction of drones and AI for naval aviation groups. They note the shift in the nature of
"What role for Russian intelligence services in Africa?
The author analyses the operations of the Russian intelligence services on the African continent and presents them as one of the Kremlin's levers of influence in this region.
"What air defence for Europe?
Décryptage, RFI, 20 June 2023, with Camille GRAND (ECFR), Jean - Pierre MAULNY (IRIS). Listen to
"Recommendation on strengthening research safety
The European Council has adopted a recommendation on improving the safety of research. The aim of the text is to help the Commission and
"Rehearsing for war - China and Russia's military exercises
Alice Ekman and Ondrej Ditrych, specialists in China and Russia respectively, take a closer look at Sino-Russian military cooperation, in the more specific context of
"Intelligence, cyber - The US/Ukraine partnership
Behind the arms deliveries, US support for Ukraine also takes the form of more discreet intelligence sharing and cyber assistance to Russia, which Collimateur reports on with Jonathan Guiffard, associate expert at the Institut Montaigne and doctoral student at the Institut Français de Géopolitique.
"Repositioning South America on the French map of the Indo-Pacific. Political and economic convergence and avenues for cooperation".
The author argues for a broadening of French and European strategic thinking on the Indo-Pacific. In favour of a more pragmatic approach, she advocates a re-engagement with
"Have we entered a "war economy" (Spoiler: no)?
Le Collimateur, with Amélie Férey and Renaud Bellais, 2 January 2024 Listen
"How far should we go to support Ukraine?
With : Ulrike FRANKE Elie TENENBAUM Rym MOMTAZ Le Collimateur, 5 December 2023 Listen
"South Korea's Emergence as a Defense Industrial Powerhouse
This note examines South Korea's rapid emergence on the arms market in recent decades. It provides an in-depth analysis of its
"Technopower: who will dominate the world in the 21st century?
CyberPouvoirs, France Inter, 27 August 2023, with Thomas GOMART (Ifri) Listen
"The Making of the American Hegemon
Starring : Sean MIRSKI War on the rocks, 1 December 2023 Listen
"The Many Faces of the Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine - drawn up at the beginning of the 19th century - is considered fundamental to understanding the way in which the United States conceives of the development of Europe.
"The Return of Nuclear Escalation
Nuclear escalation seemed to be just a bad memory from the Cold War. It has to be said that the use of atomic weapons in Russian rhetoric is a bit of a surprise.
"Not everything that comes out of Putin's mouth is a lie".
For historians Tetiana Zemliakova and Guillaume Lancereau, Vladimir Putin "articulates a series of Third World clichés from the Cold War era and a cast of imaginary characters" based on "the concrete state of the political, intellectual and legal world". Rhetorical analysis.
"Triads - The Chinese mafia takes over the world
Arte, 26 December 2023 (three episodes) Watch
"Ukraine Is Losing the Drone War
Since the start of the open conflict between Russia and Ukraine, both sides have suffered heavy human and material losses. However, where
"A Franco-German divorce?
Entretiens géopo, 29 September 2023 Claude MARTIN Pascal BONIFACE Listen
"A new LPM for the Armed Forces: what for?
Le Collimateur, IRSEM, 13 June 2023, with Elie TENENBAUM (Ifri), Gesine WEBER (GMF), Julien MALIZARD (EcoDef Chair)