14e ambassadors' briefing

IHEDN | 7e Briefing des ambassadrices et ambassadeurs

At the invitation of Lieutenant General Patrick Destremau, Director of the IHEDN and the EMS, the first 2021 Ambassadors' Briefing took place on Wednesday 3 February by videoconference.

IHEDN | 7e Briefing des ambassadrices et ambassadeurs

On this occasion, Ambassador Xavier Laypere de Cabanes, Secretary General of the French Presidency of the European Union, spoke to the 95 foreign ambassadors and diplomats based in Paris who had registered for the event about "The challenges of the French Presidency of the EU in 2022" before answering questions from participants.

The next briefing will take place on 23 February 2021

around theAmbassador Christophe Penot

on the theme of the Indopacific.