Closing of the 74th economic and strategic intelligence cycle

©IHEDN - Clôture du 74e cycle IES
Closing the 74e The Economic and Strategic Intelligence (IES) course organised by the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale (IHEDN) took place on the afternoon of Wednesday 29 September 2021 at the École Militaire. In the presence of Prefect Denis Conusdeputy director of the IHEDN, of Sub-prefect Jean-Michel DelvertHead of the Regional and Specialised Activities Department (DRS), and Mr Philippe Clercan expert consultant in international economic intelligence (CCI France), the auditors presented the results of the work of the four committees, focusing on the sphere of influence strategy.

Le 74e The IES cycle, which ran from 21 to 29 September, brought together 24 participants from the public and private sectors.

The cycle is packed with content. It includes high-level conferences that provide a better understanding of the issues of economic security, cybersecurity, protection of strategic information, influence and counter-influence. For the very last lecture, the audience was honoured to welcome Mr Alain Juilletformer director at DGSE and director of major companies.

©IHEDN - Clôture du 74e cycle IES

Join us on 30 November and 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 December for the 75th edition of the Economic and Strategic Intelligence series.

To register: 75e IES cycle 30 November, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 December 2021.