129th IHEDN Youth Cycle in Hauts-de-France

®IHEDN - 129e HJ au 12e BSMAT

17 February 2022

®IHEDN - 129e HJ au 12e BSMAT

Participants at the 129e cycle "IHEDN-Youth" in Hauts-de-France went to the detachment of the 12e Base de soutien du matériel (BSMAT) at Douai, which is a centre of expertise for the regeneration of the French Army's VABs.

After a presentation of the site and the organisation of the land-based maintenance chain by Lieutenant-Colonel Guillaume Carré, head of the detachment, the young people were able to visit the various workshops and spare parts shops. They met men and women who are passionate about their jobs and highly qualified.

The many high-quality discussions enabled all the participants to grasp the challenges inherent in maintenance within the armed forces.

14 February 2022

On Monday 14 February, Lieutenant General Benoît DurieuxDirector of the IHEDN, opened the 129th meeting of the IHEDN in Lille, at the CREPS in Wattignies.e IHEDN Youth" cycle in Hauts-de-France.

For one week, the cycle brings together 49 young people, students and young professionals from a wide range of backgrounds. It enables them to deepen their knowledge of defence, security and international relations issues, through a programme based on high-level lectures. The young people will also visit a military site (the detachment of the 12e equipment support base in Douai) and take part in a 'serious game' based on a cyber war scenario. The final component of the IHEDN's educational triptych, the week will be completed by committee work.

Participants in the "IHEDN-Youth" course are entitled to understanding and anticipating defence and security issues" skills certificationregistered with France Compétences. 

20220215®IHEDN-129e cycle IHEDN-Jeunes
Speech on the cycle by Loïc Trégourès