The RESIH CODIR thanks the 62 auditors who have joined the IHEDN reserve.

Yesterday, Wednesday 26 February 2020, the first steering committee meeting of the IHEDN reserve was held. It was an important meeting, not to be missed by the auditors who initiated this fine IHEDN reserve project, with a wealth of ideas to ensure the reserve's long-term future.

Lieutenant General Patrick Destremau, Director of the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale, and the auditors of the IHEDN reserve project group affirmed their determination to uphold the values of commitment and service embodied by the first 62 auditors registered on the platform, all reservists or future reservists. This meeting provided an opportunity to set the main guidelines for the coming year and to reaffirm the unique nature of this reserve at the service of our country's institutions, across all ministries. This steering committee will meet again on a regular basis, in order to keep as close as possible to its reservists and to offer them a range of highly rewarding missions commensurate with their expectations and their investment.