33rd European Session of Senior Armaments Officials (SERA33)

The 2e week of the 33e edition of the European Session of Senior Armament Officials (SERA33) was held in Munich from 25 to 29 April.

The German week began with a series of presentations by representatives of the German Ministry of Defence (Directorate General for Armaments) and the German Security and Defence Industries Association (BDSV). The SERA33 delegation was also received at the Bavarian State Chancellery, where it had discussions with the Minister of State for Bavaria, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defence. Dr. Florian HERRMANNand the Deputy Director General for Armaments, Mr Hubert BLAHNIKat the end of their respective speeches.

The second week's programme also included a number of visits to military sites, such as the Bundeswehr Technical and Airworthiness Centre (WTD 61) at Manching air base. The programme also focused on the Bavarian defence industry, with visits to Airbus Defence & Space (Manching), ESG (Electronic System and Logistics Group - Fürstenfeldbruck), IABG (Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH - Taufkirchen) and MBDA (Schrobenhausen). SERA33 auditors also had access to the site of the German Centre for Aeronautics and Astronautics (DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) located in Oberpfaffenhofen, with a visit to the Space Operations Centre.

Finally, the SERA33 week in Munich was an opportunity for the auditors to continue the discussions and reflections begun within their respective committees. The delegation will meet again in Helsinki in a few days' time for the 3e week of the programme.


33rd edition of the European Session for Armaments Representatives_French week#1 (German week).

The second week of the SERA33 took place in Munich, from April 25 to April 29.

The German week of the programme started with a cycle of conferences during which intervened representatives from the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg), on the one hand, and from the Federation of German Security and Defence Industries (BSDV), on the other hand. Furthermore, the SERA33 delegation was received at the Bavarian State Chancellery ; Dr. Florian HERRMANN, State Minister, and M. Hubert BLAHNIK, Deputy National Armaments Director, respectively gave a speech on this occasion.

The programme of this second SERA33 week integrated various visits of military sites, such as the Bundeswehr Technical Center for Aircraft and Aeronautical Equipment (WTD 61) located in Manching. SERA33 attendees have also had the opportunity, throughout this week, to know more about German defence industries (located in the Bavaria region) with the visits of the Airbus Defence & Space (Manching), ESG (Electronic System and Logistics Group - Fürstenfeldbruck), IABG (Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH - Taufkirchen), and the MBDA (Schrobenhausen) sites. The delegation had also access to the German Aerospace Center (DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) located in Oberpfaffenhofen, with a visit of the German Space Operations Center.

This SERA33 week organized in Munich provided attendees with the opportunity to further discuss and exchange with their respective committees. The SERA33 delegation will meet again in Helsinki, in a few days, for the third week of the program.

33. Ausgabe der European Session of Armament Managers (SERA33)_German week

Die 2. Woche der 33. Ausgabe der European Session of Armament Managers (SERA33) fand vom 25. bis 29. April in München statt.

Die Woche beginn mit Präsentationen von Vertretern des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung (Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) und der Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Stahlrecycling- und Entsorgungsunternehmen e.V. (BDSV). Die SERA33-Delegation wurde ebenfalls in der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei empfangen, wo sie mit dem Staatsminister für Bayern, Herrn Dr. Florian HERRMANN, und dem stellvertretenden Generaldirektor für Rüstung, Herrn Hubert BLAHNIK, diskutieren konnte.

Auf dem Programm der zweiten Woche standen mehrere Besuche militärischer Standorte, wie zum Beispiel der Besuch der Wehrtechnische Dienststelle 61 (WTD 61) auf dem Fliegerhorst Manching. Das Programm war auch rund um die Entdeckung der bayerischen Verteidigungsindustrie strukturiert, mit einem Besuch der Standorte von Airbus Defence & Space (Manching), ESG (Elektronische System- und Logistikgruppe - Fürstenfeldbruck), IABG (Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH - Taufkirchen) und MBDA (Schrobenhausen). SERA33 Auditoren hatten auch Zugang zum Standort des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen mit einer Besichtigung des Raumflugkontrollzentrums.

Schließlich bot die in München organisierte SERA33-Woche den Auditoren die Gelegenheit, die in ihren jeweiligen Ausschüssen begonnenen Diskussionen und Überlegungen fortzusetzen. Die Delegation wird sich in wenigen Tagen in Helsinki für die 3. Woche des Programms treffen.