On 19 and 20 May 2022, a delegation of auditors from the 'Defence Policy' major of the IHEDN national session was in Brussels to meet and exchange views with representatives of the European institutions and NATO.
This mission had a dual purpose. On the one hand, it was part of the annual theme of 'resilience', which structures all the training activities offered within the five majors of the national session. Secondly, the trip to Brussels was intended to complement a teaching sequence dedicated to the study of the international strategic context and the concept of European strategic autonomy.
In the context of the French Presidency of the European Union (FPEU), the auditors were welcomed at the Permanent Representation of France to the EU, where they were able to exchange views with Mr Tristan Aureau on the European Union's defence, security and resilience policy.
The auditors then visited the European Parliament to tour the chamber and discuss the institutional challenges facing the Union. On this occasion, the class was received by Mr Othmar KarasFirst Vice-President of the European Parliament, as well as leading European representatives.
The day concluded with a series of lectures on Europe and power, the challenges of European security through the prism of resilience, and the implications of the war in Ukraine for the Strategic Compass.
On 20 May, the focus was on NATO and the adaptation of the alliance's policy to the war in Ukraine.
The auditors also had the opportunity to visit NATO headquarters to meet with Ambassador Muriel DomenachFrance's Permanent Representative to NATO, Vice-Admiral Henri Schrickethe French military representative on the EU and NATO military committees, and Mr Camille GrandNATO's Deputy Secretary General for Defence Investment. The delegation also had the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of NATO member states at a round table discussion moderated by Mr Alexandre EscorsiaDeputy Permanent Representative of France to NATO.
Germany, Italy, Estonia, Latvia and the United States were represented. The NATO sequence concluded with a speech by the lieutenant-general Marc ThysBelgian Vice-Chief of Defence, on European defence and its future prospects.