Our jury has decided to award three short stories this year.
The 3e The Imaginaires Stratégiques prize is awarded to Lydie AUTHIER for "In the end, it's the night that wins". This short story describes how the cohesion of a close-knit group breaks down when it is subjected to a high level of insecurity. The jury rewarded an effective plot that highlights the mastery of cyber risks.
The 2e prize is awarded to Mrs Aya ERRAJA for "Sight of Mind". This novel depicts the trial of a soldier whose abilities have been enhanced. The jury was impressed by the author's choice to deal with military augmentation, an area that raises a number of ethical and legal issues.
The jury decided to award the 1er prize to Mr Alexis PIERRE for "Dangerous Liaisons". Man-machine interfaces and the vulnerabilities of embedded systems are the subject of some original thinking. This short story makes a useful contribution to the issues surrounding the introduction of artificial intelligence into our defence systems. The style and pace of the story appealed to our panel of judges.