Operational manager
of the "Defence Policy" major
of the National Session

Open to permanent and contract employees CDD : 24 months Start of contract : October/November 2023 Application deadline : 30/09/2023

Who are we?

Institute for Advanced Studies in National Defence

The Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) is a national public administrative body under the supervision of the Prime Minister and, more specifically, of the Secrétariat général à la défense et à la sécurité nationale (SGDSN).

The Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) prepares leaders from all spheres of activity to assume the highest responsibilities by developing their understanding of national defence and security issues, their knowledge of related public policies, their perception of the interplay of players involved in their implementation, and their aptitude for strategic thinking. The training provided as part of the national session is designed to enable all students to grasp from the outset the cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, interministerial, European and international dimensions of defence and security issues through a common foundation and in-depth study of 5 major areas (Armament and the Defence Economy, Economic Defence and Security, Maritime Issues and Strategies, Defence Policy, Digital Sovereignty and Cybersecurity).

The IHEDN, working to build and disseminate a common defence culture, helps to forge lasting links between senior public and private, civilian and military officials.

The National Session Department

The National Session Department (DSN) is responsible for designing and running the IHEDN National Session on an annual basis. The National Session is structured around a common core and five majors and each year brings together around 250 auditors. It receives cross-functional support from the DEAI department and the General Secretariat (logistics, finance, legal affairs, human resources and IT support).

The national session is structured around five majors, including Defence Policy (POLDEF).

Number of DSN department staff: 24

Web link to the description of the POLDEF major

Direct line manager (N+1): GCA (2S) Michel Yakovleff, head of the POLDEF major

Person in charge N+2: IGA Florence Plessix, Head of the National Session Department

Job description

Main activities

Reporting to the head of the major, the operational manager is responsible for ensuring that design decisions are implemented correctly and for managing the major. He/she supervises the project managers in his/her major.

In particular, the Operational Manager is responsible for :

  • the detailed organisation of the major ;
  • managing the budget for the major ;
  • contribute to the administrative recruitment process for auditors in the major ;
  • in collaboration with the DEAI, the design and conduct of missions abroad.


Design of the major

The operational manager of the major establishes the detailed structure of the major with his/her production team, taking care to :

  • the balance of the "conferences/visits/work" triptych;
  • time management ;
  • fiscal sustainability.

In coordination with the educational project manager, he/she draws up the programme of visits/missions and drafts the deliverables.

Ensures the feasibility (logistical and financial) of the programme of lectures, committee work and simulation activities drawn up by the course leader. Compiles the complete programme for the major (lectures, committee work, visits/missions, simulation activities, etc.) for the Head of Major.

Under the authority of the Deputy Head of DSN, the Operational Manager ensures that the design of the major is consistent with other majors, particularly in terms of dates, lecture theatre bookings, etc. He/she reports to the Head of Major and the Head of Teaching on any difficulties encountered so that the Head of DSN can make decisions. He/she reports to the Head of Major and the Head of Teaching on any difficulties encountered, so that the Head of DSN can make decisions.

Conduct of the major
The Operational Manager for the major :

  • is responsible for the detailed management of the major event with the project manager(s). He/she is the timekeeper and liaises with the logistics team at the General Secretariat's General Support Office, the hosting bodies and the speakers. In particular, he/she ensures that the rooms booked are available and that the services ordered are provided,
  • is the main contact for the other departments involved in the implementation of the major. He/she reports to the head of the major and the deputy head of the DSN on any difficulties encountered;
  • ensures that auditors comply with instructions (timetables, sanitary facilities, Chatham House, national defence secrecy, etc.);
  • is present during missions and travel. He acts as Head of Delegation in the absence of the Director, Deputy Director, Head of DSN or Head of Major.
    It is in direct contact with the chairmen of the committees, the class presidents and the associations of former auditors of the major.

Profile required


Knowing how to be

  • Takes initiative and makes proposals,
  • Organisation and method,
  • Adaptability, representativeness, diplomatic skills,
  • Good interpersonal skills,
  • Resistance to stress.



  • Excellent design and planning skills,
  • Proficiency in office automation tools, particularly those used for budget monitoring,
  • Leading a large group of auditors and authorities (50 to 100 people) in real time, sometimes in an emergency situation,
  • Working in project mode (cross-functional organisation).



  • Good knowledge of the national defence and security system,
  • Good command of English (spoken and written).

See the advert on the civil service portal

or apply to recrutement@ihedn.fr