Event logistics manager (F/H)

Open to permanent and contract employees CDD : 24 months Start of contract : 01/09/2024 Application deadline : 31/08/2024

Who are we?

Institute for Advanced Studies in National Defence

The Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) is a national public administrative body under the supervision of the Prime Minister and, more specifically, of the Secrétariat général à la défense et à la sécurité nationale (SGDSN).

The Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) prepares leaders from all spheres of activity to assume the highest responsibilities by developing their understanding of national defence and security issues, their knowledge of related public policies, their perception of the interplay of players involved in their implementation, and their aptitude for strategic thinking. The training provided as part of the national session is designed to enable all students to grasp from the outset the cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, interministerial, European and international dimensions of defence and security issues through a common foundation and in-depth study of 5 major areas (Armament and the Defence Economy, Economic Defence and Security, Maritime Issues and Strategies, Defence Policy, Digital Sovereignty and Cybersecurity).

The IHEDN, working to build and disseminate a common defence culture, helps to forge lasting links between senior public and private, civilian and military officials.

Job description

The logistician :

  • organises the logistics of missions linked to activities (dashboard, planning, retro-planning, etc.);
  • Carries out the pre-operational set-up for assignments (sourcing, competitive tendering, financial monitoring, purchase orders, certification of services rendered);
  • ensures that the sessions run smoothly during visits and travel;
  • monitors budgetary and administrative aspects ;
  • Quantitative and qualitative monitoring of activities (evaluations and statistics).

Profile required

Knowing how to be

  • Open-mindedness ;
  • People skills ;
  • Demonstrate tenacity;
  • Dynamism ;
  • Autonomy.



  • Ability to adapt, react and anticipate;
  • Organisational skills



  • Technical knowledge of business tourism, seminars and events;
  • Office and IT skills (Word, Excel) ;
  • Knowledge of the principles and rules of public procurement ;
  • Knowledge of English ;
  • Basic notions of financial management.

See the advert on the civil service portal

or apply to recrutement@ihedn.fr