International risk management / ethics and compliance

25 and 26 January 2022 Closing date for entries : 13 January 2022


"Training at the heart of issues of sovereignty and strategic autonomy

From 25 to 26 January 2022

Closing date for entries :  13 January 2022

01 44 42 51 42 / 01 44 42 47 24

IMPORTANT : Videoconference sessions may be organised at the initiative of the IHEDN if conditions justify it (force majeure, constraints linked to the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, etc.). IHEDN will inform participants as soon as possible of the arrangements for these sessions.

Business ethics,
Compliance, the Sapin II law,
FCPA and ISO 37001,
interested in due diligence?


That's why IHEDN is offering a comprehensive training course: "Ethics and compliance / International risk management".

Doing business internationally is synonymous with opportunities, but also with a certain number of risks, both legal and reputational. These arise from the diversity and uncertainty of legal frameworks, the difficulty of obtaining reliable information on geographically distant markets, and the multiplication of stakeholders.

**The training we are offering will cover business ethics, compliance and due diligence tools and methods. We will present the best practices and operating methods of compliance departments, as well as important texts and references in various fields, including the fight against corruption, money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as respect for human rights.