European Armament Cooperation - 4 to 6 July 2023 - Ecole militaire, Paris

European Armament Cooperation – 4 au 6 juillet 2023

Today sees the start of the European Armament Cooperation course organised as part of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). The course will take place over 3 days, from 4 to 6 July, at the Ecole Militaire - Paris. It brings together 24 mid-career students, both civilian and military, from various European Union countries and institutions.

136e IHEDN-Youth" cycle in Brittany

136ème cycle jeunes Bretagne

The 136th cycle for young people from Brittany, organised by the IHEDN in Brest, was launched on 3 July 2023 by sub-prefect Jean-Michel Delvert, director of the Regional and Specialised Activities Department, who represented Lieutenant General Benoit Durieux, director of the IHEDN.

Heading for the land of the rising sun for the maritime issues and strategies major in the 2e IHEDN national session

À bord de l’USS Blue Ridge

At the helm of the 'Maritime Issues and Strategies' major, Prefect Denis Conus, Deputy Director of the IHEDN, has set course for the Land of the Rising Sun. This country was obviously not chosen at random for the 'world' mission of the major, as it occupies a strategic position within the Indo-Pacific zone, is closely linked to France by a strategic partnership of the utmost importance and its maritime character is perfectly in line with the interests of the auditors.

235e session in Corsica

From 6 to 23 June, for the first time in its history, Corsica is hosting a fully-fledged regional session of the IHEDN.

232e session in French Guiana

The 48 auditors from the session in French Guiana met in Cayenne on 23 May 2023 for the launch of this training course organised by the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN), with the support of the Ministry for Overseas France (DGOM).

3e module of the European Strategic Course for Security and Defence

Tuesday 30 May saw the opening of the third module of the European Advanced Strategic Course on Security and Defence, organised by the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN), in partnership with the Italian Centre for Advanced Defence Studies (Centro Alti Studi per la difesa), as part of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).