E. Chiva: "The Directorate General for Armaments must shed light on the future".

Emmanuel Chiva, appointed Delegate General for Armaments this summer, gave his views on the major issues facing the sector in the current context at the IHEDN on 13 October. Recalling the origins and missions of the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA), Emmanuel Chiva details the threats and challenges ahead. "We have to invest in multiple fields", he explains, citing the technological breakthroughs that are set to become geostrategic breakthroughs.

What is a just war?

On Friday 11 November, Lt-Gen Benoît Durieux, Director of the IHEDN, and Mgr de Romanet, Bishop of the French Armed Forces, discussed a concept that is still relevant today, formalised as far back as Antiquity and brought to light once again by the tragedy of the war in Ukraine. Beyond what religions preach, and which states should put into practice, is there a way to avoid resorting to this form of exacerbated violence? In an age of new forms of conflict, from information warfare to cyber and hybrid warfare, what can be said about the relevance of this concept?