Throughout the summer of 2024, in partnership with the Charles-de-Gaulle Foundation, the IHEDN explored various events that took place 80 years ago and were crucial to the return of the Republic, the country's sovereignty and its national cohesion.
Pour l’IHEDN, ce dossier est une manière de rappeler le lien fort entre l’institut et Charles de Gaulle. En 1931, alors chef de bataillon, il a rédigé pour ses supérieurs une note restée comme la première préfiguration du CHEDN, fondé en 1936 et devenu IHEDN après la guerre. Le futur homme d’État soulevait dans ce texte la nécessité de former côte à côte des officiers et des civils à la culture stratégique.
This dossier also provides an opportunity to revisit some of the "fundamentals" of our defence, born out of combat, and to pay tribute to all those who have been involved in promoting the spirit of defence.
Liberate the country, re-establish the State, reunite France
Between the first landings in June and the announcement of the government in September, General de Gaulle and his entourage succeeded in taking a new direction.
Élisabeth de Miribel, actress and witness to Free France
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General de Monsabert, the forgotten figure of the Liberation
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De Gaulle and the United States: trust built on a balance of power
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A time for battles: fighting on all fronts
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Resistance: the army of shadows catches the light
The first episode of our "Esprit 44" series, in partnership with the Charles-de-Gaulle Foundation. Let's explore the Resistance through the eyes of two little-known figures,
"Esprit 44": what national defence owes to 1944
Throughout the summer, in partnership with the Charles-de-Gaulle Foundation, the IHEDN is exploring a number of crucial events that took place 80 years ago.