The other Cold War? The US/China confrontation

09 October 2023 | 18:30 at the École militaire
9 octobre : Pierre Grosser, L’autre guerre froide ? La confrontation Etats-Unis/Chine

9 October: Pierre Grosser, The other Cold War? The US/China confrontation

By tracing the development of Sino-American relations since the Cold War and drawing on the debates on the causes and outbreak of 20th century conflicts, Pierre Grosser discusses a number of factors that could lead to war between the United States and China, as well as those that could prevent it. Since 2007, Chinese diplomacy has become more assertive and Beijing has stepped up its demonstrations of strength (New Silk Roads project, development of its military, technological and space power, etc.), now rivalling the United States in all these areas. While tensions have increased since 2016, as illustrated by the Taiwan issue, the author also highlights the factors that suggest war is avoidable: nuclear deterrence, the "decline of war ideologies", an ageing population, etc. 

A historian of international relations and member of the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po Paris, Pierre Grosser is the author of several books, including 1989, the year the world turned upside down (2009) and The History of the World is Made in Asia: Another View of the Twentieth Century (2019).

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