IHEDN Scientific Awards 2021

Once again this year, we received a very large number of applications, from a wide range of disciplines and schools all over the country. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all those who took part.
Prix Scientifiques de l’IHEDN 2021

Once again this year, we received a very large number of applications, from a wide range of disciplines and schools all over the country.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all those who took part.

Thesis category

Joint first prize


Political cooperation and regional integration in the Arctic (1996 2019): building a region

Sciences Po Paris - political science thesis directed by Guillaume Devin.

Mathilde LELOUP

Redefining humanity through its heritage. Integrating the protection of cultural sites into the mandate of UN PKOs

Sciences Po Paris - political science thesis supervised by Frédéric Ramel and Dacia Viejo-Rose.

Second prize

 Ivan SAND

Political and military geography of the air projection of French armies since 1945

Sorbonne University - geography thesis directed by Philippe Boulanger.

Third prize:

 Aude GERY

International law and the fight against the proliferation of digital weapons

University of Rouen - public law thesis supervised by Anne-Thida Norodom.

Master 2 Research Thesis" category

First prize


Youth under heavy surveillance. 1940-1944

ENS Paris-Saclay - History dissertation directed by Olivier Wievorka

Second prize ex aequo


The idea of empire in international relations: legacies of the imperial phenomenon in Russian foreign policy

Paris 2 Assas and Paris 4 Sorbonne universities - political science dissertation directed by Jean-Vincent Holeindre.


Humiliation the forgotten variable in international negotiations

Sciences Po Paris - political science dissertation directed by Frédéric Charillon.

Third prize

Romane BEGUE

International criminal law responses to terrorism

Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - dissertation in private law and criminal sciences directed by Nicolas Bareït.

Master 2 research students and doctoral students:

We look forward to seeing you next year.