Stopover in Greece for the "Maritime Issues and Strategies" major of the IHEDN national session

Les auditeurs autour de M. Giannis Plakiotakis, et du vice-amiral Theodoros Kliaris

At the helm of the 'Maritime Issues and Strategies' major in the national session, Lieutenant General Benoît Durieux made a stopover in Athens, where he was welcomed at the Institut français de Grèce by H.E. Patrick Maisonnave - French ambassador to Greece. This maritime country par excellence was a perfectly suited destination for a major that is no less so.

On this first morning, listeners were immediately plunged into the heart of maritime issues, with an overview given by the ambassador and his principal deputies.

Thanks from General Benoît Durieux to H.E. Mr Patrick Maisonnave after his speech

This was followed by a visit to Parliament and discussions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Mr Miltiadis VarvitsiotisMinister Delegate for European Affairs. The audience was able to see the extent to which Greece and France are facing common challenges, particularly in the maritime field, with issues such as energy, migration and the protection of biodiversity. The shared values and strategic vision that bind the two countries in a world subject to numerous risks and threats naturally calls for strong cooperation, as embodied in the strategic partnership recently signed by the two Heads of State.

Visit to Parliament
With Mr Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Minister Delegate for European Affairs
Mme. Marika Kakayianni expliquant les grands enjeux énergétiques de la Grèce

The audience then had the opportunity to discuss energy and development in the context of the war in Ukraine with Mrs... Marika Kakayiannia member of the ELIAMEP think-tank and an expert on energy issues.

Débats animés avec les professeurs Anestis Gourgiotis et Haris Kokkossis
Moderated discussions with professors Anestis Gourgiotis and Haris Kokkossis
Débats animés avec les professeurs Anestis Gourgiotis et Haris Kokkossis
Moderated discussions with professors Anestis Gourgiotis and Haris Kokkossis

Finally, the day ended in the company of the professors Anestis Gourgiotisrepresentative of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, and Haris Kokkossisboth from the University of Thessaly. They addressed the major issues of planning and development of the Greek maritime territory and the management of land/sea interaction.

The very next day, energy issues were again addressed from a different angle by the Dr Theodoros Tsakiris and Mr Kostas AndriosopoulosAkuo Energy's Director for Greece and advisor to the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAAE). The debates with the audience convinced them once and for all of the geopolitical dimension of the energy issues at stake, made all the more apparent by the current war in Ukraine.

M. Theodoros Tsakiris
Mr Theodoros Tsakiris
M. Kostas Andriosopoulos
Mr Kostas Andriosopoulos

The second part of the morning was devoted to UN action to protect the environment in the Mediterranean with Mr Julien Le TellierSocioeconomic Affairs Officer and Mohamad KyyalDirector of MED POL. Their comments confirmed the urgent need to take action to protect biodiversity in the Mediterranean and to implement the measures recommended by international organisations supported by Greece and France. Here again, the challenges to be met are shared by both countries, and close cooperation is essential.


Julien Le Tellier et Mohamad Kyyal en plein débat avec les auditeurs
Julien Le Tellier and Mohamad Kyyal debate with listeners
Au HCMR avec les docteurs -chercheurs
At the HCMR with doctoral researchers

After a quick lunch, the audience travelled along the magnificent Greek coastline in bright sunshine to the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) in Annavissos. Discussions with researchers who are passionate about understanding and protecting the seas, as well as the development of aquaculture, perfectly illustrated the morning's findings and confirmed the need for strong scientific cooperation between the various EU Member States.

Wednesday 18 May began with a high-level speech by Dimitris Kairidis MP, Vice-Chairman of the European Affairs Committee. His presentation of the major maritime issues facing Greece and his analysis of the geopolitical situation only strengthened the audience's conviction of the common interests, shared vision and imperative need for cooperation that bind Greece and France, and of which the recent strategic partnership is the keystone. 

M. Dimitris Kairidis répond aux questions des auditeurs
Dimitris Kairidis answers questions from listeners

The morning concluded with a presentation of the bilateral defence relationship by Colonel Olivier MadiotDefence Attaché at the French Embassy in Greece. The strategic partnership between Greece and France in this area shows the number and importance of the reciprocal commitments made, the most emblematic of which is certainly the mutual assistance clause.

The audience then headed for the port of Piraeus where Mr Giannis PlakiotakisMinister for Merchant Shipping and Island Policy, and Vice-Admiral Theodoros KliarisThe Coast Guard Commanders and their principal deputies gave the audience a particularly warm welcome. Discussions focused in particular on immigration, cooperation with Frontex, the fight against drug trafficking, safeguarding life at sea, illegal fishing and respect for maritime borders. During the visit to the Coast Guard operations centre, listeners will retain the image of a force with an exceptional level of motivation, professionalism and efficiency.

Les auditeurs autour de M. Giannis Plakiotakis, et du vice-amiral Theodoros Kliaris
The audience around Giannis Plakiotakis and Vice-Admiral Theodoros Kliaris
Au PC opérations des garde-côtes, des auditeurs attentifs aux explications
At coastguard operations HQ, listeners listen attentively to explanations

At the end of the day, a cocktail party chaired by H.E. Patrick Maisonnave gave us the opportunity to thank all our Greek friends, speakers and embassy staff, who made this mission so exceptionally rewarding for our listeners.

On Thursday morning, the listeners set sail for Greece's largest military port: Salamis. They were met by Vice-Admiral Panagiotis LymperisCommander-in-Chief of the Hellenic Fleet, who presented the missions, challenges and ambitions of the Hellenic Navy over the next few years. As with the coastguards, the warmth of the welcome and the fraternity between seafarers who understand each other immediately led to remarkably frank and rich exchanges.

Les auditeurs autour du Vice-Amiral Panagiotis Lymperis
The audience around Vice-Admiral Panagiotis Lymperis
À bord du patrouilleur de haute mer Daniolos
On board the deep-sea patrol vessel Daniolos

The same complicity between sailors was again felt with the crews of the deep-sea patrol vessel Daniolos and the submarines Papanicolis and Katsonis who, with legitimate pride and great professionalism, showed the audience around their remarkably well-maintained and visibly combat-ready vessels.

Remise de l’emblème de son sous-marin par le commandant du Katsonis
Presentation of his submarine's emblem by the commander of the Katsonis

After a sumptuous lunch hosted by Vice-Admiral Panagiotis Lymperis in its residence overlooking the harbour and its fleet, the listeners returned to dry land and will long remember this incredible morning.

Back in Athens, listeners were able to meet with Cyrille Bret and Michaël Croênne of Naval Group to discuss the very high level of cooperation between the two countries in the naval field. This industrial cooperation for the acquisition of the FDI frigate by the Greek Navy goes well beyond the armaments field, and is fully in line with the strategic partnership recently concluded.

Cyril Bret et Michaël Croênne en plein débat avec les auditeurs
Cyril Bret and Michaël Croênne debate with listeners

The afternoon continued with a presentation by Mr Anastiosos Rozoliswho presented the country's defence industry, the difficulties encountered during the economic crisis of the last decade and the challenges of its current renaissance.

Finally, the day ended on a high note with a speech by Thanos DokosNational Security Advisor to the Prime Minister. The auditors were struck by the closeness of his strategic analysis to the thinking carried out at the IHEDN. They found the same global inter-ministerial and decompartmentalised approach taking into account both public and private issues.

Thanos Dokos partageant son analyse stratégique avec les auditeurs
Thanos Dokos shares his strategic analysis with listeners
M. Anastiosos Rozolis expliquant les enjeux de l’industrie de défense grecque
Mr Anastiosos Rozolis explaining the challenges facing the Greek defence industry

On Friday morning, all good things must come to an end, so the listeners set off with weapons and luggage for a final stop at Thales Hellas, where they were welcomed by Mr Patrick Defranouxcountry manager for Greece, Cyprus and the Eastern Balkans and CEO of Thales Hellas. They discovered that loyalty always pays off in the end. Indeed, even in the country's most difficult economic years, Thales has stood by Greece with a multi-domestic approach favouring local partnerships. This has made it all the easier for Thales to build on its current strength.

After a final tasting of typical Greek cuisine offered by Thales, the audience left for the airport with a heavy heart and a longing for a country that had welcomed them in a particularly fraternal way, with countless expressions of friendship.

M. Patrick Defranoux expliquant aux auditeurs l’approche multidomestique de Thales
Patrick Defranoux explaining Thales' multi-domestic approach to the audience