our governance


Director: Lieutenant General Hervé de Courrèges
Photo de portrait du général Hervé de Courrèges

By presidential decree of 19 June 2024, Lieutenant General Hervé de Courrèges was appointed Director of the IHEDN and Higher Military Education, with effect from 1 June 2024.er August.

A Saint-Cyrien from the General Delestraint class (1988-1991), he chose to serve in the armoured cavalry. Posted as platoon leader to the 4e Regiment of chasseurs (4e RCh) in Gap (Hautes-Alpes), he trained as a high mountain unit leader at the École militaire de haute montagne in Chamonix.

He was then deployed to Lebanon in 1993. After a spell at the Saumur Cavalry School as an instructor of reserve officer cadets in 1995, he returned to the 4e RCh in 1997 to take command of a squadron with which he was deployed to Chad.

In 1999, he became an inter-service instructor at the École supérieure et d'application des transmissions in Rennes. In 2002, he obtained a specialised master's degree from the École supérieure d'électricité (SUPELEC), as well as an advanced studies diploma from the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) in 2003. After graduating from the Collège interarmées de défense the same year, he returned to the 4e RCh as head of the training operations office. He was then deployed to Afghanistan as head of operations for his regiment.

He then served in the planning and finance office of the French Army Staff, before joining the military cabinet of the Minister of Defence in 2008 as deputy to the "Organisation, Human Resources" and "Land" units. In 2011, appointed to command the 4e RCh, he left for Côte d'Ivoire as head of the French Licorne battalion.

Auditor in 2013 of the 63e session of the Centre des hautes études militaires (CHEM) and the 66e session of the IHEDN, he is also studying at the same time for the Higher Command and Staff Course in Shrivenham (United Kingdom). The following year, he was seconded to the General Secretariat for National Defence and Security (SGDSN), where he was successively responsible for State security protection and then for the secretariat of the national defence and security councils.

Promoted to General in 2018, he was appointed Deputy Commander of Land Forces Intelligence in Strasbourg. Then, in June 2020, he took command of the 27e mountain infantry brigade and the Grenoble-Annecy-Chambéry defence base. Promoted to Major General in 2021, he is appointed Commandant of the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy.

A member of the Defence Ethics Committee, General de Courrèges is an Officer of the Legion of Honour, Commander of the National Order of Merit and holder of the Military Valour Cross. He is married with five children.

Préfet Nicolas Basselier

By decree of the President of the Republic dated 12 October 2023, Nicolas Basselier, Prefect, has been appointed Deputy Director of the Institute for Higher National Defense Studies (IHEDN). He was previously Prefect of Charente-Maritime.

Born in Paris, Nicolas Basselier is a graduate of the Institut d'études politiques de Paris, has a law degree and is a former student of ENA ("Léonard de Vinci" class). The IHEDN is his 16th posting in a career marked by both geographical mobility and the diversity of responsibilities exercised in the service of the State and local authorities, in the central administrations of the Ministries of the Interior and Defence in particular.

After serving as deputy prefect and chief of staff to the prefect of Yonne, he held the same position with the prefect of the Haute-Normandie region, prefect of Seine-Maritime, before being appointed secretary general of the prefecture of Orne. Returning to Paris, he became head of the territorial administration's property affairs office at the Ministry of the Interior, then chief of staff to the Paris police prefect and finally deputy director of that office.

Back in the regions, he was sub-prefect of Aix-en-Provence and then prefect of Corrèze.

Appointed préfet hors cadre, he was seconded to the Ministry of Defence as deputy secretary general for administration. Director General of the Association des maires de France for two years, he was appointed Prefect of Loir-et-Cher in 2010.

Two years later, he was appointed member of the Conseil supérieur de l'administration territoriale (Ministry of the Interior), before becoming chairman of the board of the Agence nationale de traitement automatisé des infractions (ANTAI) and the Agence nationale des titres sécurisés (ANTS) in 2014. He has since served as Prefect of Aisne for three years, before moving to Charente-Maritime.

Nicolas Basselier is married with four children.

Board of Directors

Members of the IHEDN Board of Directors

Decree of 24 January 2020 appointing the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Institut des hautes études de la défense nationale.

Members by right

Sylvie BERMANNAmbassador of France, Chairman of the IHEDN Board of Directors

Stéphane BOUILLONGeneral Secretary for Defence and National Security (SGDSN), or his representative

Thierry BURKHARDGeneral, Chief of the Defence Staff, or his representative

Alice RUFODirector General of International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS), or her representative

Anne-Marie DESCÔTESFrench Ambassador, Secretary General of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, or her representative

Nicolas JEANJANActing Director General for Research and Innovation, or his representative

Didier MARTINSecretary General of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories, or his representative

Thomas COURBEIngénieur général de l'armement, Directeur général des entreprises, or his representative

Nathalie COLIN, Director General of Administration and the Civil Service or its representative

Hanane MANSOURI Member for Isère

Pascal ALLIZARDSenator for Calvados

Bruno PACCAGNINIGeneral (2S), qualified in the fields of national security, defence, foreign policy, economics or research

Yves BOYERA person qualified in the fields of national security, defence, foreign policy, economics or research.

Dominique LAMOUREUXA person qualified in the fields of national security, defence, foreign policy, economics or research.

Valérie DEROUETCivilian auditor who has met the requirements of the sessions, EDF Director, on the recommendation of the SGDSN

Alexandra HERMANCivilian auditor who has fulfilled the obligations of the sessions, public sector consultant, on the proposal of the SGDSN

Aline SCOUARNECCivilian auditor who has met the requirements for the sessions, nominated by the SGDSN

Scientific Advisory Board

Members of the IHEDN Scientific Council

Order of 25 September 2020 appointing members to the Scientific Council of the Institut des hautes études de la défense nationale.

Members by right

Following the publication of the Prime Minister's decree of 25 September 2020, the IHEDN is pleased to welcome its new Scientific Council, headed by its Chairman, Jean-Marie GUÉHENNO.

By order of the Prime Minister dated 25 September 2020, the following are appointed members of the Scientific Council of the Institut des hautes études de la défense nationale:
Mr Jean-Marie GUÉHENNO, Chairman ;
Air Force General (cr) Stéphane ABRIAL ;
Mrs Stéphanie BALME ;
Mr Stéphane BOUJNAH ;
Ms Fabienne BUCCIO;
Ms Bénédicte CHÉRON ;
Ms Nathalie DELAPALME ;
Mr Thomas GOMART ;
Mr Hervé GUILLOU ;
Mr Philippe HAYEZ ;
Mr Jean-Vincent HOLEINDRE ;
Mr Philippe MARTIN ;
Ms Christine OCKRENT ;
Mr Guillaume POUPARD.