Session nationale 2025-2026

Une session unique rassemblant des auditeurs venus d’horizons professionnels très divers

Each year, this session brings together auditors from a wide range of sectors, including members of parliament and local councillors, senior civil servants, senior officers, high-level managers from the public and private sectors, employees from the voluntary sector, religious representatives, academics, journalists, trade union leaders, lawyers, consultants and entrepreneurs.

La diversity des candidats sélectionnés contribue de manière essentielle à la richesse de la session nationale, tant par leur parcours que par la pluralité des territoires qu’ils représentent. Cette session est conçue pour promouvoir une collective reflection on issues marked by their strong dimension interministérielle et concernant tous les secteurs d’activités de la nation.

La formation proposée vise ainsi à appréhender dans leur globalité et leur complexité les sujets de défense et de sécurité : autant de questions appelant des réponses coordonnées et une unité actiona guarantee of their effectiveness.

Whatever the auditors' field of expertise, their skills are put to good use in a collegial discussion of strategic issues. With this in mind, the national session offers all its auditors a common method for drawing up a strategy and situational exercises designed to develop their decision-making skills.

Partage d’expérience, croisement des points de vue et décloisonnement des savoirs constituent un objectif primordial de la session nationale. Le caractère collégial des travaux engagés, au même titre que le modèle pédagogique unique structurant la formation dispensée, est un marqueur essentiel de cette session.

The educational triptych

A tried and tested method that combines theory and practice

The course is structured around three types of activity:

  • Lecture-debates providing a basis for analysis, discussion and understanding of the issues addressed;
  • Committee workThey are the guarantors of the collegiate nature of the discussions;
  • Research assignmentsThese will be chosen on the basis of the issues to be addressed, so that the discussions can be backed up by practical experience.

"understanding in order to act, understanding each other in order to act together".

Understanding for action
The national session gives auditors the opportunity to acquire an knowledge of defence and security issues, and to take ownership of the skills useful for strategic decision-making. In particular, you will learn how to :
- master the issues and problems of national and international defence and security, linked to public policies ;
- mobilise a critical, reasoned and innovative intellectual approach ;
- think strategically;
- deciding in complex situations ;
- be a driving force behind proposals in the fields of defence and security.

Understanding each other to act together
The training provided will also collective experienceThis will enable auditors with a wide range of backgrounds to :

- step outside their sphere of expertise to broaden their viewpoints and question their practices;
- share their knowledge and experience;
- to form a network and a community of commitment acting in the service of the country's strategic interests through its capacity for influence and influence.

Skills certification

The national session of the IHEDN prepares auditors who wish to do so for the skills certification entitled "Mastering defence and security issues for strategic decision-making", registered with the French Ministry of Defence. Specific France Compétences directory under number RS5607  from 24 November 2021.

Skills certification is based on four assessment methods:

  • an individual summary ;
  • a collective report ;
  • an individual recommendation score ;
  • a simulation exercise.

Deliverables must be handed in by the deadline indicated at the beginning of the year. It will not be possible to make up or partially validate skills.

Over 2023-2024, 87.7% of the auditors who took part in the certification validated the target competency.

France compétences

Satisfaction rate

À l’issue de chaque session, les auditeurs sont invités à remplir un questionnaire d’appréciation de la formation, portant sur l’organisation générale, les conférences-débats, les missions d’étude, les travaux de comité et les exercices pédagogiques innovants. Concernant le cycle 2023-2024, 92,8 % des auditeurs felt that the course as a whole met their expectations.

Le socle commun de formation et déclinaison par majeure

The national session has two inseparable components:


aimed at forging a common defence culture among auditors from a wide variety of backgrounds;


chosen from five themes: armaments and the defence economy, economic defence and security, maritime issues and strategies, defence policy, digital sovereignty and cybersecurity.

The Common Learning Baseis spread throughout the year, with the main aim of acquiring the necessary knowledgeand skills and the methods needed to monitor the sessionThe aim is to ensure that we have a clear understanding of our national defence policy in each area.

In addition to the theoretical and cross-disciplinary aspects of the training, the study assignments, both in France and abroad, also contribute to the development of a solid knowledge base. common defence culture backed up by experience in the field.

These times of shared reflection between the national session auditors, as well as participating in joint activitiesThe content of the common base is based on the principles of solidarity, unity and cohesion.

les 5 majeures de la session nationale

National session candidates opt for at moment from registration for one of the following five majors:

  • Armement et économie de défense (AED) ;
  • Défense et sécurité économiques (DSE) ;
  • Enjeux et stratégies maritimes (ESM) ;
  • Politique de défense (POLDEF) ;
  • Souveraineté numérique & cybersécurité (SNC).

From these five majors, candidates choose the one that best suits their needs. need for further information et qui leur permet de développer des complementary skills dans la conduite stratégique de leurs missions, et dans l’exercice de leurs responsabilités.

Applicants from the French overseas departments and territories can enrol in the 'Maritime Challenges and Strategies' major, which has been adapted to enable them to complete the entire course.

The five majors of the national session involve, in the same way as the common core of training, on the one hand a sharing of experience between auditors with varied skills, and on the other, going beyond one's initial sphere of expertise.

Each major has its own specific objectivesdetermined on the basis of expectations of the listeners it brings togetherparticularly in terms of specialisation.

In view of their interdependence, the subjects specific to each major are also marked by their transversality.

The 5 modules of the national session

The national session is divided into modules, each of which includes a section relating to the common foundation and a section specific to each major.

This common structuring of training helps to strengthen the unity of the national session. It also contributes to the necessary sharing of experience and cross-fertilisation of perspectives involved in defence and security issues, which are now more closely intertwined than ever.

becoming an auditor

Target audience

Managers and future managers aged between 35 and 55 :

  • parliamentarians and elected representatives ;
  • senior civil servants, senior officers and academics;
  • high-level officials from the public and private sectors;
  • employees in the voluntary sector, journalists and religious representatives, lawyers, consultants and entrepreneurs.

Application requirements

The course is accessible to people with disabilities, subject to special assistance and within the limits of the requirements for travel (in France and abroad) and teaching activities.

The IHEDN disability correspondent can be contacted by e-mail :

Sign up

No pre-requisites are required, apart from compliance with the following conditions:

  • register on the website and submit an application in the required digital format by 25 février 2025 ;
  • only complete applications will be examined.

Selection criteria

The main criteria used to select candidates are as follows:

  • career path and level of responsibility;
  • the wealth of their personal experience;
  • commitment during and after the session ;
  • Motivated interest in defence and security issues and in the chosen major;
  • open-mindedness and ability to integrate ;
  • an appetite for collective thinking, dialogue and interaction;
  • career prospects ;
  • the ability to convey your ideas clearly and convincingly.

Selection procedure

After analysing the applications that meet all the conditions and include all the supporting documents required, individual 30-minute interviews with a panel of judges will take place remotely from the end of February to the beginning of May.

Successful candidates are appointed by order of the Prime Minister during the first ten days of July.

Rates and financing

The national session is eligible for the personal training account (CPF).

  • 22 700 – secteur privé : grandes entreprises, entreprises de taille intermédiaire et leurs filiales, banques et assurances, cabinets de conseil (CA > 50 M€) ; organismes comparables.
  • 13 400 : PME, PMI, TPE, professions libérales, indépendants(1) cabinets de conseil (CA < 50 M€), aéroports et ports, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, La Banque Postale, SNCF, établissements publics à caractère industriel et commercial, organismes professionnels de défense d’intérêts privés, fondations d’entreprises, ONG ; organismes comparables.
  • 6 700 € – secteur public(2) : élus, agents publics relevant des trois fonctions publiques, établissements publics hors EPIC (EPA, EPSCP, EPST), militaires, universitaires et enseignement supérieur, journalistes, fondations d’utilité publique ; organismes comparables.
  • 3 400 € – autres(3) : représentants syndicaux, cultuels, salariés d’association à but sportif, social, culturel, humanitaire ; organismes comparables.

Les droits d’inscription sont exigibles dans leur totalité avant le début de la session, en septembre 2025.

(1) Inclut les personnes en transition professionnelle.

(2) Le tarif « secteur public » implique un financement par l’employeur public.

(3) Sur justificatif.

training assessment

All participants in the national session will be required to complete the following tasks:

  • a committee report ;
  • a summary ;
  • a recommendation;
  • a simulation exercise.

Auditor status will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

  • attendance ;
  • participation in committee work ;
  • handing in the work, within the deadlines indicated and in compliance with the educational frameworks for the four assignments above.

The certificate of competence will be awarded on the basis of an assessment of the criteria defined in the the skills and assessment framework submitted to France Compétencesof the following works:

  • the committee report ;
  • the summary ;
  • the recommendation note ;
  • the simulation exercise.


If you have any questions about the national session, please contact :

Last modified on :

3 December 2024