After the introductory remarks by Lieutenant General Benoît Durieuxdirector of the IHDEN, the General Jean-Marc DuquesneGeneral Delegate of GICAT and Nicolas TherryOn behalf of the FBF, the forty or so participants took part in a series of high-level conferences designed to give them a better understanding of the challenges and legal framework of export defence: a background; the challenges of export armament; a time for discussion with representatives of the banking and insurance sectors; the needs of the defence sector.
The cycle was organised in line with the conclusions of the report of the flash mission on the financing of the defence technological and industrial base, due in 2021. The Members of Parliament Françoise Ballet-Blu and Jean-Louis Thiériotproposed that IHEDN organises seminars for executives from the banking and insurance sector and the defence industry, who have to deal with export-related issues.
The Director of the IHEDN would like to thank the FBF and the Gicat for their partnership, as well as the various speakers from the SGDSN, the DGA, Bpi France assurances export, the banking sector and the BITD.