The Defence Economics Chair - IHEDN

La Chair in Defence Economics - IHEDN organised a webinar on Wednesday 2 December at the École Militaire (amphithéâtre Foch) on the theme of "European defence industrial policy to meet the challenges ahead".


Following an opening address by Professor Christian de Boissieu, Chairman of the Chair's Scientific Council, and Lieutenant General Patrick Destremau, Director of the IHEDN and Higher Military Education (EMS), two round-table discussions were held with Hélène Conway-Mouret (Senator, member of the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces Committee), Thomas Gomart (Director of IFRI), Camille Grand (NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment), Antoine Bouvier (Director of Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions and Public Affairs, AIRBUS), Timo Pesonen (Director General for Defence Industry and Space, European Commission), François Mestre (Head of Industrial Affairs and Economic Intelligence, DGA), Stéphane Mayer (President of CIDEF), Philippe Duhamel (Deputy Managing Director, Defence Mission Systems at THALES), Hervé Guillou (President of GICAN) and Kuldar Väärsi (Managing Director of Milrem Robotics).
Discussions focused in particular on the importance of implementing a European defence industrial policy, and the means of achieving this.

The closing address was given by Florence Parly, Minister for the Armed Forces.
The video of this conference, which was attended by almost 350 participants, will shortly be available on the Chair's website: