The 127th IHEDN-Youth course opens in Bordeaux on Monday 6 September 2021.
Sub-prefect Jean-Michel DelvertThe head of the Department of Regional and Specialised Activities (DRS) presented the Institute's missions and the objectives of the cycle, stressing the importance of promoting a defence culture throughout France.
Participants attended the first conference, given by Ms Zivile Kalibataitéa doctor in political science and head of teaching in the major Armaments and the defence economy (AED) at the national session of the IHEDN, on a Panorama of the Contemporary World.
For just over five days, the 49 young auditors selected will benefit from a dense programme rich in exchanges, including visits to military and industrial sites, high-level conferences on defence, security and international relations issues, and reflection work that will be carried out in committee in compliance with current health regulations.