First edition of the IHEDN strategic anticipation short story competition

The jury of the Imaginaires stratégiques has chosen to reward 4 works for its first edition.

The Imaginaires stratégiques jury - made up of Lt-Gen Patrick Destremau, Director of the IHEDN, Virginie Tournay, Director of Research at Sciences Po and member of the Ministry of Defence's Red Team, Goncourt Prize winners and writers Alexis Jenni and Leïla Slimani, and Professor Olivier Schmitt, Director of Studies and Research at the IHEDN - has chosen to reward 4 works, each with a very different style and vision of the world.

The third prize

thus amounts to Mr Benoît Pinchon-Falcone
for a scathing short story on the "geopolitics of the apple", entitled Characters

The second prize

is awarded to Mrs Alix M. Dehenne
for his short story investigating the future challenges of "deepfakes" entitled Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe

The first prize

is Mr Marco Lopez
for its new Dematerialised diplomacy
which plunges us into a world where artificial intelligence interferes with diplomatic negotiations.

Special prize

Finally, the jury also decided to award a special prize to Mr Stéphan Le Doaré for a short story that cleverly combines an account of an operation with a reflection on epidemics, entitled Nanobotsand available in special issue No. 79, August-September 2021, of the magazine Defence & International Security.

Congratulations to them!

Your work has been read by our jury of :

  • Virginie TournayDirector of Research at Sciences Po, Bronze Medal of the CNRS, member of the Red Team of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
  • Alexis Jenniwriter, Prix Goncourt 2011 ;
  • Leïla Slimaniwriter, Prix Goncourt 2016 ;
  • Olivier SchmittProfessor of International Relations, Head of the Studies and Research Department at the IHEDN.

The jury was chaired by General de Corps d'Armée Patrick DestremauDirector of the IHEDN.

IHEDN | VirginieTournay

Director of Research at Sciences Po, bronze medal of the CNRS, Virginie Tournay combines an academic career with a literary vocation, as demonstrated by the publication in 2019 of Civilisation 0.0.

It is also part of the Ministry of Defence Red Team tasked with proposing conflict scenarios for the future, an innovation in this field for French Defence.

IHEDN | Alexis Jenni

Alexis Jenni is the author of numerous novels, essays and biographies, often reflecting on the construction of our memories and the place of past conflicts in our collective unconscious.

In 2013, he contributed to the collective work The world in XXIIe century: Utopias for the day after tomorrow (PUF), in which a number of researchers attempt to imagine plausible futures.

IHEDN | Leila Slimani

Goncourt Prize 2016 for Chanson Douce, Leïla Slimani is the author of several novels and essays exploring gender relations, cross-breeding and the various forms of domination.

Her sensitivity to injustice and her love of the French language are the driving forces behind her writing and one of the reasons behind her commitment as Emmanuel Macron's personal representative for La Francophonie.