Virginie Tournay, bronze medal winner from the CNRS, joins the IHEDN's Imaginaires Stratégiques jury

Virginie Tournay médaille de bronze du CNRS, rejoint le jury des Imaginaires Stratégiques de l’IHEDN
Virginie Tournay médaille de bronze du CNRS, rejoint le jury des Imaginaires Stratégiques de l’IHEDN

Director of Research at Sciences Po, bronze medal of the CNRS, Virginie Tournay combines an academic career with a literary vocation, as demonstrated by the publication in 2019 of Civilisation 0.0.

In this work of fiction set in 2062, she portrays the risks of a breakdown in artificial intelligence that would threaten the survival of humanity.

It is also part of the Ministry of Defence Red Team tasked with proposing conflict scenarios for the future, an innovation in this field for French Defence.

We are delighted to welcome him to the jury of the Strategic imaginaries of the IHEDN.

You have until 26 April 2021 to enter the competition and try to win one of the prizes.