Missions of the "Defence Policy" major of the 1st national session in the army regiments

On 22 and 23 October 2021, the POLDEF major of the national session visited 3 army regiments as part of the module on knowledge of the armed forces. These were the 1st infantry regiment (1er RI) in Sarrebourg, from 1er foreign cavalry regiment (1er REC) at Carpiagne and the CENZUB (training centre for actions in urban areas) at Sissonne. For each visit, auditors from three committees of the 74e POLDEF were able to measure the level of excellence and expertise of the officers as well as the professionalism and high level of commitment of the soldiers in their specialities.

The 1er RI is a infantry regiment of theFrench Army created under the Revolution from a French regiment of the Ancien Régime.

It is the oldest regiment in Europe still in service.

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The 1er REC is a regiment of the Foreign Legionwhich has the unique distinction of being the only one specialising in armoured combat. It is one of the two cavalry regiments of the 6e light armoured brigade.

©IHEDN - Missions de la majeure « Politique de défense » de la 1re session nationale dans les régiments de l'armée de terre

The CENZUB (CbetweenVisitdrag in Zone Urbaine ) is used to train French Army units in urban combat.

It became operational in 2006 at the Sissonne camp in the Aisne département, on the site of the former hamlet of Jeoffrécourt.

With effect from 1 July 2014, it will take over the name and traditions of 94e infantry regiment.

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Among the dynamic sequences and presentations of operational equipment, our listeners were able to sample the French army's legendary combat rations during an impromptu bivouac.