The articles

"The great continuous enlargement: a new process twenty years on".

31 May 2024

This article shows that enlargement plays a key role in European security. The author describes the various internal threats and external dangers for Europe and shows that the European Union must transform itself, increase its defence capabilities (in particular, she proposes the creation of a kind of "European Union defence force") and...

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"L'obligation de loyauté envers la constitution des soldats de la Bundeswehr et l'obligation de réserve des soldats français : Deux mécanismes d'encadrement des comportements antidémocratiques au sein des forces armées".

31 May 2024

Against a backdrop of rising populism in Europe, this paper sheds light on the origins of the anti-democratic acts recorded within the French and German armed forces. The author compares the obligation of loyalty to the Constitution of German soldiers with the reserve obligation of the military...

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"The future of nuclear proliferation after the war in Ukraine".

31 May 2024

The article reviews the arguments predicting an acceleration in nuclear proliferation in the coming years and shows how the literature partly overestimates the risks of proliferation since the strategic breakthrough brought about by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Only the Middle East and...

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Militarising Africa: the Soviet origins of a Russian doctrine

13 May 2024

Russia is the leading supplier of arms to the African continent. This policy of military involvement does not date back to Putin. In a historical study that ranges from Angola to Guinea-Bissau, Natalia Telepneva gives an account of the reasons for and role of Soviet involvement in Africa...

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Young people and war: representations and willingness to get involved

13 May 2024

Based on a large-scale quantitative study, this report presents the relationship that young people have with the reality of war. Contrary to certain preconceived ideas, the data explored in this report show, for example, that young French people are rather in favour of...

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Emmanuel Macron's Russia policy: stages and roots of a new approach, 2017-2024

13 May 2024

In this detailed article, the author revisits the characteristics and evolution of President Macron's Russia policy. He reviews the different stages of this policy since 2017 and presents the modalities of its gradual but significant transformation. He shows that despite...

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''Wartime economy'' : From Buzzword to Reality ? Changes In European Defence Industrial Strategies Since February 2022

13 May 2024

This report presents the main changes in defence industrial strategies that have taken place since February 2022 in France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. It shows that, despite variations from one country to the next, concrete action in favour of the defence industry has...

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"Putin's industry and war: deconstructing a myth

28 March 2024

Using figures, the author presents the evolution of Russia's armaments economy over the last two years. While Russia's economy has not collapsed, its industrial capacity suffers from major shortcomings that could eventually become a real handicap to its defence effort.

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"For effective European economic security

28 March 2024

Based on interviews with decision-makers, François Godement deciphers the European debates around de-risking, and outlines a realistic path for coordinating action by the EU and the Member States: proceeding in stages rather than choosing between defensive and offensive measures. GODEMENT François, Institut Montaigne, March...

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"The French army in the Sahel: a doctrinal corpus put to the test

28 March 2024

The author of this text sets out to assess the relevance of the doctrinal framework that has guided France's military presence in the Sahel between 2011 and 2023. In particular, she highlights the limits and weaknesses of the French doctrinal precepts that have guided the...

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"Why France will not offer Europe a "nuclear umbrella"".

28 March 2024

This article examines and deciphers the European dimension of France's nuclear deterrent. Pedagogical and well-structured, it presents the historical development of this issue, reviews the main doctrinal aspects of the French nuclear deterrent and sets out possible ways of Europeanising it. FAYET...

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"What role for the naval air group in networked warfare?

28 March 2024

The authors look at the changes brought about by the introduction of UAVs and AI for naval air groups. They note the shift in the nature of naval combat, where the naval air group is emerging as the ability to project a network at sea. DU MANOIR DE JUAYE...

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"Automation Does Not Lead to Leaner Land Forces

11 March 2024

The author analyses the interdependence between humans and new technologies. He supports the idea that the cost and limits of technological innovations make human support both essential and rapidly consequential. WATLING Jack, War on the Rocks, 7...

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"Counterstrategies to Economic Warfare

11 March 2024

At a time when economic interdependence is increasingly used as a tool of strategic competition, this article sets out a typology of countermeasures to deal with economic coercion: retaliation to counter-attack; reconstruction to dissuade, highlighting the limits of the...

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"South Korea's Emergence as a Defense Industrial Powerhouse

11 March 2024

This note examines South Korea's rapid emergence on the arms market in recent decades. It provides an in-depth analysis of its supply, its capabilities and the driving forces behind its development. The author also looks at the implications for the Korean arms industry...

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"Repositioning South America on the French map of the Indo-Pacific. Political and economic convergence and avenues for cooperation".

11 March 2024

The author argues for a broadening of French and European strategic thinking on the Indo-Pacific. In favour of a more pragmatic approach, she advocates a re-engagement with the countries on the Pacific coast of South America, in particular Chile. PAJON Céline, Asie Visions, n°138, Ifri,...

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"The military stakes in the war in Ukraine: a deceptive stalemate?"

11 March 2024

The authors of this article offer a hard-hitting and useful summary of the main military issues at stake in the war in Ukraine. They analyse the operational and strategic dynamics, and present the initial military lessons of this high-intensity conflict. They also...

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"Macron in New Delhi: a shared quest for strategic autonomy in a multipolar world

11 March 2024

This short article is interesting for two reasons. Firstly, it sets out, in a pedagogical manner, the points that France and India have in common in their foreign policies. More specifically, it highlights the significance of the notion of strategic autonomy for both countries....

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Global Terrorism Threat Assessment 2024

11 March 2024

This report provides a detailed overview of the terrorist threats deemed to be a priority for the security of the United States: the development of far-right and far-left terrorism and state support for terrorist groups. DOXSEE Catrina, PALMER Alexander, MCCABE Riley, CSIS, 8 February 2024 Consult

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"Ecuador: a rapid plunge into criminal chaos

2 February 2024

At the start of 2024, the pace of events is accelerating in Latin America, a region that has been plagued by hyper-violence for decades, a reminder of the geopolitical impact, and not just the security impact, of criminal organisations when they reach a critical stage of development. The toppling of the Ecuadorian domino, hitherto...

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"The 2024 elections in Taiwan: a shifting political landscape where China remains at the centre of the game".

2 February 2024

The recent Taiwanese elections saw a shift in the political divide. It is no longer a question of being for or against a union with China, but for or against a dictatorial system or war. The divide has shifted as supporters of independence have...

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"Why the War in Gaza Makes a Nuclear Iran More Likely".

2 February 2024

Iran's recent statements have been triumphalist. A return to conflict in Gaza would be both an Israeli and a US defeat. Iran is seeking to become a power to be reckoned with in the region. However, the lack of action by Hezbollah and the actions of the Houthis...

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