Courses organised as part of
of the European Security and Defence College

Each year, IHEDN organises between 6 and 8 courses as part of the European Security and Defence College to help build a common defence culture.


The ESDC is a training platform within the European External Action Service, organised in the form of a network. It brings together some 120 institutes, colleges, academies and institutions representing the 27 Member States of the European Union. Its mission is to provide training in the field of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in the wider context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), to develop and promote a common understanding of these tools among civilian and military personnel, and to identify and disseminate, through its training and teaching activities, good practice in relation to the various defence and security issues.

Target audience

Between 15 and 60 senior officials from the EU and its Member States (defence, diplomacy, gendarmerie, police, interior, etc.) working or going to work on the issues addressed.

Main themes

Proposed by IHEDN to CESD, in coordination with EMA/PRIM, MEAE and DGRIS.

Examples of themes:

  • the challenges of space for CSDP ;
  • the european challenges of cyber security ;
  • the challenges of maritime security for the European Union, etc.

Each year the DEAI proposes a new theme in order to renew the 'offer' and maintain the attractiveness of the courses.


  • 3 days on average, in Brussels or Paris;
  • around twenty modules: e-learning beforehand, conference-debates, round tables and case studies.

The 2023 sessions

  • Advanced course on cyber-diplomacy, 17 to 19 January 2023, Brussels
  • The challenges of space for EU and CSDP, 14 to 16 February 2023, Paris
  • The challenges of securing maritime areas for the EU, 3 to 5 April 2023, Brussels
  • European Armament Cooperation, 4 to 6 July, Paris
  • Climate change and security, 17 to 19 October, Brussels
  • Intelligence security challenges and opportunities in the EU, 14 to 16 November, Brussels
  • The EU facing hybrid threats12 to 14 December, Brussels