The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region hosts an IHEDN-Youth course

Fascinating lectures, highly instructive visits and presentations, brainstorming sessions... 78 students and young professionals met in Toulon from 1 to 4 July as part of the 145th IHEDN Young People's Cycle.

Over the course of a week, the young auditors were able to learn about the major issues in national defence and international security. The course was divided into three modules:

- strategic issues ;

- knowledge of defence and the armed forces ;

- international cooperation and conflict.

On this week's programme:

- presentation of the armed forces and feedback from external operations ;

- European defence: what are the major issues?

- maritime sovereignty at the heart of france's strategic outlook ;

- preparing the defence technological and industrial base for high-intensity conflict ;

- presentations and visits to the Cadarache research centre of the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) and the Toulon naval base.