Committee 6-1 The aggravation of existing stresses, the real risk of France becoming involved in resolving crises linked to climate change, the strain on the State budget and potential price inflation, as well as the possibility of having to intervene on several fronts at the same time, have led the authors of this report to make 10 recommendations relating to the national territory and the conduct of domestic and external operations from a strategic perspective.
©IHEDN | Travaux des auditeurs : 72e POLDEF (2019-2020)

Anticipating and preventing the security dimensions of climate change

Committee 6-1

The aggravation of existing stresses, the real risk of France becoming involved in resolving crises linked to climate change, the strain on the State budget and potential price inflation, as well as the possibility of having to intervene on several fronts at the same time, have led the authors of this work to make 10 recommendations relating to the national territory and the conduct of internal and external operations from a strategic perspective. In order to determine the nature and location of the main strategic challenges for France, a map is proposed to identify the countries where the human security challenges will be greatest and where the conduct of military operations will be most affected. Two synthetic indicators have been chosen: GDP and the number of days when the average temperature is above 40°C.

Countries with increased security risks (temperature rise of 4°C)
Key words :

Climate Security Defence Anticipation Conflicts Strategy Map