Getting involved by writing: young people have their say
"To arms, citizens! Ever since the right to revolt against oppression was recognised in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, the commitment of all to the defence of the nation has been an integral part of republican identity. Since it was founded in 1936, the Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale has given substance to this ambition by allowing all those who wish to do so to debate and contribute to the debate, thereby promoting the unity of doctrine and thought without which there can be no effective defence, as its founding decree emphasised. Today's book is part of this threefold tradition. The authors, members of the Jeunes-IHEDN association, are part of the Institute's dynamic, determined to make a fresh contribution to the debate on major strategic issues. They then offer a free vision on subjects that are both concrete and difficult. While this vision cannot be taken as the position of the IHEDN, it does testify to the vitality of the debate in our country.