135e IHEDN-Jeunes" Île-de-France cycle in Rambouillet

The IHEDN organised the 135th cycle jeunes Ile-de-France, from 24 to 28 April at the Bergerie nationale de Rambouillet.

The 80 young auditors, students and executives from both the public and private sectors, spent a week immersed in the most topical issues of military defence, national defence, national security and international security.

They were also confronted with the issue of nuclear deterrence, illustrated by a visit to the CEA's military applications division, and the renewal of land forces, at the 12th cuirassiers regiment.

The committee's excellent work focused on forward-looking analysis of threats to 2030, the effectiveness of economic sanctions as a means of action, and alliance and coalition engagement.

The auditors presented the results of their work on 29 April at the Ecole Militaire, on the premises of the IHEDN, in the presence of sub-prefect Jean-Michel Delvert, head of the regional and specialised activities department of the IHEDN, and Dr Aurélie Vittot, from the studies and research department.

Sub-prefect Jean-Michel DelvertDirector of the Department of Regional and Specialised Activities at IHEDN, representing the Director of IHEDN, gave the opening address at 135e IHEDN-Jeunes" cycle in Île-de-France.

On the programme:

  • Conferences on defence and security issues
  • Visits to military and industrial sites such as the 12th Cuirassiers Regiment and the Saclay CEA!