cycles business intelligence

Economic intelligence is defined as the ability to collect, analyse, develop, disseminate and protect strategic economic information, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of a State or a company.  

EI is based on three pillars: strategic intelligence (the search for and analysis of useful information), the protection of tangible and intangible assets, and influence.

Business intelligence is of major strategic importance. It lies at the very heart of the competitive challenges facing national economies. As such, knowledge of the geopolitical, economic, technical and legislative environment constitutes a real competitive advantage, which must be exploited and protected against the risks of intrusion, manipulation and pillage.

Since 1996, the IHEDN has been providing training for public and private sector executives, with the aim of familiarising them with the concepts, methods, issues and tools of strategic intelligence and economic security. 

The IHEDN's EI office offers two types of training with varying degrees of commitment. The general "Economic and Strategic Intelligence" training cycles, over 7 days with 49 hours of training covering the major issues in economic and strategic intelligence. themes (economic security, intelligence, OSINT, cybersecurity, ethics and compliance and influence and lobbying). And short courses, lasting two days and 14 hours of training, to explore one of these sub-themes in greater depth.

Following on from the Martre report (1994), the IHEDN's economic intelligence courses are designed, with the help of leading experts, to train participants in the challenges posed by the increasing globalisation of trade, which should encourage those involved in economic life to protect themselves and develop their skills.

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